The Texas State quidditch is a varsity team, which is considered a sports activity and student organization at Texas State University. Their junior varsity team is called the San Marcos Sharknados. The two teams compete in quidditch tournaments against other university and community teams in Texas and nationally. They have been to tournaments in other states, such as Louisiana, Oklahoma, Florida and South Carolina.
The idea of creating quidditch teams at Texas State University started in the fall of 2010 by Jordan Parisher. In the spring of 2011, Parisher was able to form the two quidditch teams. The quidditch organization selects students who want to join the team by judging them on how good they play. If a student can play quidditch competitively, then he or she will be on the varsity team, while a student who performs mediocrely is put in with the JV team. Students who do not have the time commitment to be with the TXST quidditch team will also be put in with the Sharknados quidditch team. JV players can still have a chance of joining the varsity players once they are able to improve their playing skills and time commitment. The varsity and JV captains of the teams are Tyrell Williams and Collin Magers. In the fall 2016 semester, Biology junior, Jackson Johnson will be the next varsity team captain, while the next JV team is currently unknown.
Student are not interested in being in the varsity and JV teams are still able to join the TXST quidditch organization, which are more designated to fundamentals of the Harry Potter novels through events. They have their own mini Hogwarts School, which gives students opportunities to be able to participate in activities without having to be in the teams that play against other colleges. Some of the activates that they offer are house quidditch, capture the house, Triwizard Tournament, Yule Ball and End of the Year Feast.
The teams follow the game rules from the International Quidditch Association and the United State Quidditch organization. Both of these organizations come up with the quidditch rules from the Harry Potter novel series by author J.K. Rowling. USQ has the TXST quidditch as a university team. However, the organization has the San Marcos Sharknados quidditch as a community team. The Sharknados are still a Texas State team school wise, but USQ does not allow more than one university to have a team. This is why the Sharknados is a community quidditch team to USQ.
The way the two teams practice quidditch with each other is by being divided into four house teams called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Whenever a new player joins the quidditch team, he or she takes a personality quiz, which will give the result of what house team the player belongs to. The house teams play quidditch against each other at the playing field next to Bobcat Village in San Marcos, Texas. Whatever team wins the Quidditch House Tournament will gain points. At the end of the college semester, the Texas State quidditch organization will add up all of the points to find out what house team got the most points, which they will then win the Quidditch House Cup award. The house team who won this year Quidditch House Cup of 2016 was Hufflepuff.